lördag 28 juni 2014

Long time, no write

It's been a while. Things happened and all of a sudden it was nine months later. There hasn't been much travelling, mostly shorter day-trips and not very much to write about. However, the little group of just us two has increased in numbers and now there's a spaz-junior in our midst.

The pic above is from one of the daytrips. Bohus fortress, which is located north of Gothenburg, has an interesting history as an important part of guarding a nation's borders. It's been in both Norwegian and Swedish hands through out history. Well worth a visit, even though most of what you see today has been restored during the late 1800s and 1900s.

King in my own realm - Spaz.

Midsummer's eve is celebrated ferociously in Sweden and we went down to Spaz's neck of the woods to join in the celebrations with old friends of his. Quite a traditional afternoon-evening, with dressing of the midsummer's pole in leafs and flowers and then dancing around it followed by the typical food of fresh for the season potatoes, pickled herring, sour cream and chives. All washed down with some beer (lager) and aquavit. Tasty! Coffee and strawberry cake afterwards didn't make it worse. The pic above is taken close to midnight. That's as dark as it gets here this time of year. It changes quickly though.

Here's the first pic of Spaz-junior who joined the House of Spaz in February.